ColUtils.cpp File Reference

Utility functions for the CollDet library. Some of them are (hopefully) temporary only, untilthey become available in OpenSG. More...

Include dependency graph for ColUtils.cpp:


namespace  col


struct  col::lessByAngle
 Compare points by angle. More...
struct  col::sBF
 contains some state across different invocations of addFace() More...

Random numbers

#define mod_diff(x, y)   ( (x) - (y) & (M_MM-1) )
#define is_odd(x)   ( (x) & 1 )
#define evenize(x)   ( (x) & (M_MM-2) )
double col::my_drand48 (void)
 Substitute for the drand48() function under Unix (needed under Windoze).
unsigned int col::pseudo_random (void)
 Pseudo random number generator.
float col::pseudo_randomf (void)
 Pseudo random number generator.


#define COL_EXPORT
#define sqr(x)   ((x)*(x))
#define COL_EDGE_EDGE(__V0, __U0, __U1)
#define COL_EDGE_AGAINST_TRI(_V0, _V1, _U0, _U1, _U2)
#define COL_RAY_EDGE_2(succaction)


Vector, Matrix, and Transformation Math
float col::operator * (const Vec3f &vec3, const Vec4f &vec4)
 Several 'vector * vector' and 'vector * point' products.
float col::operator * (const Pnt3f &pnt, const float vec[3])
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
float col::operator * (const osg::Vec4f &vec4, const Pnt3f &pnt3)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
float col::operator * (const Pnt3f &pnt3, const Vec3f &vec3)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
void col::operator+= (Vec4f &vec4, const Vec3f &vec3)
 Vec4f += Vec3f.
Pnt3f col::lincomb (float c1, const Pnt3f &pnt1, float c2, const Pnt3f &pnt2)
 Affine combination of two points.
void col::getTransfomUpto (const osg::NodePtr &cur, const osg::NodePtr &upto, osg::Matrix &result)
 Combine all transformation matrices between two nodes in the graph.
void col::iterFaces (const osg::NodePtr &node, void(*callback)(const osg::NodePtr &, const osg::GeometryPtr &, const osg::FaceIterator &, void *), void *data)
 Calls a function for every face in the scenegraph.
void col::countFaces (const osg::NodePtr &, const osg::GeometryPtr &, const osg::FaceIterator &, void *data)
 Count the number of faces in a scenegraph.
float col::dist2 (const Pnt3f &pnt1, const Pnt3f &pnt2)
 Square distance between 2 points.
float col::dist (const Pnt3f &pnt1, const Pnt3f &pnt2)
 Distance between 2 points.
Pnt3f col::barycenter (const Pnt3f *points, const unsigned int npoints)
 Average of an array of points.
Pnt3f col::barycenter (const vector< Pnt3f > &points)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
Pnt3f col::barycenter (const Pnt3f *points, const unsigned int index[], const unsigned int nindices)
 Average of an array of indexed points.
Pnt3f col::barycenter (const osg::MFPnt3f *points, const unsigned int index[], const unsigned int nindices)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
Pnt3f col::barycenter (const vector< Pnt3f > &points, const TopoFace &face)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
bool col::collinear (const Vec3f &a, const Vec3f &b)
 Test if two vectors are collinear.
bool col::coplanar (const Pnt3f &p0, const Pnt3f &p1, const Pnt3f &p2, const Pnt3f &q0, const Pnt3f &q1, const Pnt3f &q2)
 Test if two triangles (planes / polygons) are coplanar.
Vec3f col::operator * (const osg::Matrix &m, const Vec3f &v)
 Matrix * Vec3f.
Pnt3f col::mulM3Pnt (const osg::Matrix &m, const Pnt3f &p)
 Matrix * Pnt3f.
Pnt3f col::operator * (const osg::Matrix &m, const Pnt3f &p)
 Matrix * vector.
osg::Matrix col::operator * (const osg::Matrix &m1, const osg::Matrix &m2)
 Matrix * matrix.
Vec3f col::mulMTVec (const osg::Matrix &m, const Vec3f &v)
 Transposed matrix * Vec3f.
void col::printMat (const osg::Matrix &m, FILE *file)
 Print a matrix.
void col::printPnt (const osg::Pnt3f &p, FILE *file)
 Print a point.
void col::dominantIndices (const Vec3f &v, unsigned int *x, unsigned int *y)
 Dominant coord plane which v is "most orthogonal" to.
void col::dominantIndices (const Vec3f &v, unsigned int *x, unsigned int *y, unsigned int *z)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
unsigned int col::dominantIndex (const Vec3f &v)
 Dominant coord axis which v is "most parallel" to.
Vec3f col::triangleNormal (const Pnt3f &p0, const Pnt3f &p1, const Pnt3f &p2)
 Normal of a triangle defined by 3 points.
osg::Matrix col::axisToMat (const Vec3f &a, float d)
 Convert a rotation given by axis & angle to a matrix.
unsigned int col::discretizeOri (osg::Quaternion q, unsigned int r)
 Convert an orientation (quarternion) into an integer (e.g., index).
void col::mlerp (OSG::Matrix *intermat, const OSG::Matrix &m1, const OSG::Matrix &m2, float t)
 Matrix linear interpolation.
void col::sortVerticesCounterClockwise (const vector< Pnt3f > &vertex, const Vec3f &normal, TopoFace &face)
 Sort vertices of a face such that they occur counter clockwise.
osg::NodePtr col::geomFromPoints (const vector< Pnt3f > &vertex, vector< TopoFace > &face, int gl_type, bool skip_redundant, const Vec3f normals[])
 Create a polyhedron from simple vertex and face arrays.
osg::NodePtr col::geomFromPoints (const Pnt3f vertex[], unsigned int nvertices, unsigned int face[], const unsigned int face_nv[], unsigned int nfaces, int gl_type, bool skip_redundant, const Vec3f normals[])
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
osg::NodePtr col::makeCube (float radius, int gl_type)
 Create a cube as OpenSG object.
void col::getNodeBBox (osg::NodePtr node, float min[3], float max[3])
 Get BoundingBox of an osg-node.
osg::GeometryPtr col::getGeom (const osg::NodePtr node)
 Return the pointer to the geometry core of the node.
osg::MFPnt3f * col::getPoints (const osg::NodePtr node)
 Return the pointer to the multi-field of the points.
osg::MFPnt3f * col::getPoints (const osg::GeometryPtr geo)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
osg::GeoPositions3fPtr col::getPositions (const osg::NodePtr node)
 Return the GeoPositionsPtr of a node.
void col::calcVertexNormals (const osg::NodePtr node, const float creaseAngle)
 Calculate vertex normals for all geometries in a subtree.
osg::NodePtr col::findGeomNode (const osg::NodePtr node)
 Find the first node that has a geometry.
osg::MaterialPtr col::findMaterial (const osg::NodePtr node)
 Return the material a geometry node is being drawn with.
void col::addFace (const osg::NodePtr &node, const osg::GeometryPtr &geo, const osg::FaceIterator &face, sBF *bf)
 Add one face to a geometry/node; used by addAllFaces.
void col::addAllFaces (const osg::NodePtr &root, sBF *bf)
 Copy all faces in the subtree into one geometry; used by mergeGeom().
void col::mergeGeom (const osg::NodePtr &subtree, osg::NodePtr *geonode)
 Merge all geometries in a subtree into a node.
Timers, timing, sleeping, etc.
void col::sleep (unsigned int microseconds)
 Sleep n microseconds.
float col::time (void)
 Get the user time in milliseconds.
Floating-Point Tricks
unsigned int col::sign (float &x)
 Returns 0 if x < 0, 0x80000000 otherwise.
bool col::lockToProcessor (unsigned int processor)
 Lock the calling process to a certain processor.
Intersection Tests
bool col::isectCoplanarTriangles (const Vec3f &normalV, const Pnt3f &polyVv0, const Pnt3f &polyVv1, const Pnt3f &polyVv2, const Pnt3f &polyUv0, const Pnt3f &polyUv1, const Pnt3f &polyUv2)
 Checks whether two coplanar triangles intersect.
bool col::isectCoplanarEdges (const Pnt3f &v0V, const Pnt3f &v1V, const Pnt3f &u0V, const Pnt3f &u1V, unsigned int x, unsigned int y)
 Checks if the edges intersect in 2D.
void col::isectEdgePolygon (const Pnt3f &v1, const Pnt3f &v2, const Pnt3f *poly, unsigned int plSize, const Vec3f &normalV, unsigned int x, unsigned int y, bool *isect, bool *oneside)
 Checks, if edge intersects polygon in 2D.
void col::isectEdgeTriangle (const Pnt3f &v1, const Pnt3f &v2, const Pnt3f *poly, const Vec3f &normalV, unsigned int x, unsigned int y, bool *isect, bool *oneside)
bool col::pointInPolygon (const Pnt3f &pt, const Pnt3f *poly, unsigned int plSize, unsigned int x, unsigned int y)
 Check if point is inside polygon.
bool col::pointInTriangle (const Pnt3f &pt, const Pnt3f &v0, const Pnt3f &v1, const Pnt3f &v2, unsigned int x, unsigned int y)
 Check whether point is inside triangle.

Detailed Description

Utility functions for the CollDet library. Some of them are (hopefully) temporary only, untilthey become available in OpenSG.

Gabriel Zachmann

Define Documentation

_U2   ) 


{                                                                   \
                                    /* temporary variables, also for    */  \
                                    /* interaction with COL_EDGE_EDGE   */  \
            float _Ax, _Ay, _Bx, _By, _Cx, _Cy, _EE, _DD, _FF;              \
            _Ax = _V1 [i] - _V0 [i];                                        \
            _Ay = _V1 [j] - _V0 [j];                                        \
                                    /* test edge U0,U1 against V0,V1    */  \
            COL_EDGE_EDGE(_V0, _U0, _U1);                                   \
                                    /* test edge U1,U2 against V0,V1    */  \
            COL_EDGE_EDGE(_V0, _U1, _U2);                                   \
                                    /* test edge U2,U1 against V0,V1    */  \
            COL_EDGE_EDGE(_V0, _U2, _U0);                                   \

#define COL_EDGE_EDGE ( __V0,
__U1   ) 


_Bx = __U0 [i] - __U1 [i];                                          \
        _By = __U0 [j] - __U1 [j];                                          \
        _Cx = __V0 [i] - __U0 [i];                                          \
        _Cy = __V0 [j] - __U0 [j];                                          \
        _FF = _Ay * _Bx - _Ax * _By;                                        \
        _DD = _By * _Cx - _Bx * _Cy;                                        \
        if((_FF > 0 && _DD >= 0 && _DD <= _FF) ||                           \
           (_FF < 0 && _DD <= 0 && _DD >= _FF))                             \
        {                                                                   \
            _EE = _Ax * _Cy - _Ay * _Cx;                                    \
            if(_FF > 0)                                                     \
            {                                                               \
                if(_EE >= 0 && _EE <= _FF) return true;                     \
            }                                                               \
            else                                                            \
            {                                                               \
                if(_EE <= 0 && _EE >= _FF) return true;                     \
            }                                                               \

#define COL_RAY_EDGE_2 ( succaction   ) 


{                                                               \
        if ( v1x < px && v2x < px )                                 \
            succaction;                                             \
        v1y = v1[y];                                                \
        v2y = v2[y];                                                \
        if ( v1y > py && v2y > py )                                 \
            succaction;                                             \
        if ( v1y <= py && v2y <= py )                               \
            succaction;                                             \
        if ( v1x >= px && v2x >= px )                               \
        {                                                           \
            in ++ ;                                                 \
            succaction;                                             \
        }                                                           \
        y1py = v1y - py;                                            \
        x1px = v1x - px;                                            \
        y2py = v2y - py;                                            \
        x2px = v2x - px;                                            \
        if ( y1py >= x1px && y2py >= x2px )                         \
            succaction;                                             \
        if ( (-y1py) >= x1px && (-y2py) >= x2px )                   \
            succaction;                                             \
        y1y2 = v1y - v2y;                                           \
        t = y1py*(v2x - v1x) + x1px*y1y2;                           \
        if ( (t>0.0f && y1y2 > 0.0f) || (t<0.0f && y1y2 < 0.0f) )   \
            in ++ ;                                                 \

Generated on Tue Oct 16 18:12:40 2007 for CollDet by  doxygen 1.5.2